1. Overview of parallel processing of DML jobs (DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE)

Introduces DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE, which can be used from Oracle 11g R2, and examines use cases.

DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE Execution Conceptual Diagram

Image source: https://blogs.oracle.com/warehousebuilder/parallel-processing-with-dbmsparallelexecute

1. Overview of Parallel Processing of DML Jobs

1.1. DML Parallel Processing Method

Parallel processing is used when you want to quickly process one DML (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) operation in the database using as many resources as possible. There are two main methods of parallel processing.

The first method is to specify the parallel degree as a hint while executing one SQL (Parallel DML, single transaction), and the second method is to execute multiple SQLs by specifying the data range (Program Parallel DML, multi transaction). ) to be.

In most cases, the parallel DML method, which is the first method, is advantageous in terms of data consistency because it is processed as a single transaction. However, it is better to apply the second method in situations where the first method cannot be applied or when you want to define the size or range of the work unit yourself. (So the second method is also called DIY (Do It Yourself) Parallel DML)

The situation in which Parallel DML cannot be applied is, for example, as follows.

  • DML to SELECT a table with LOB columns
  • DML on DB Link
  • Parallel processing DML in PL/SQL units rather than SQL units or procedures implemented as complex procedures
  • DML that is not implemented in PL/SQL but runs in languages such as Java

The steps for executing Program Parallel DML may vary slightly depending on the situation, but in general, they are as follows.

  1. Selection of work targets
  2. Selection of parallelism and division of work units (Partition, date, number, ROWID, etc.) -> Creation of .sql files by work units
  3. Task Execution and Monitoring -> Execute each .sql file in individual session (SQL*Plus, etc.)
  4. Confirm task completion -> Verification of row count comparison, sum comparison, etc.

When the degree of parallelism (DOP) is changed or rework is required due to a change in requirements or circumstances, steps 2 and 3 are repeatedly performed and management and verification are not simple. It's inconvenient to have to manually repeat similar tasks over and over again whenever changes are needed.


When using the Program Parallel method, using DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE can execute and manage this task more conveniently.

* See Oracle Document: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/appdev.112/e40758/d_parallel_ex.htm#ARPLS233

(For reference, DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE uses JOB internally, so CREATE JOB authority must be granted to the executing user.)

DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE is a Package introduced as a new feature in Oracle 11g R2. The list of major sub programs is shown in the following table, and the full list and explanation can be found in the Oracle document.

Sub programExplanation
CREATE_TASK ProcedureCreate a task
CREATE_CHUNKS_BY_NUMBER_COL ProcedureCreate chunk by NUMBER column
CREATE_CHUNKS_BY_ROWID ProcedureCreating chunks with ROWID
CREATE_CHUNKS_BY_SQL ProcedureCreating chunks with custom SQL
DROP_TASK ProcedureRemove Task
DROP_CHUNKS ProcedureEliminate chunks
RESUME_TASK ProceduresRerun a stopped task
RUN_TASK ProcedureExecute the task
STOP_TASK ProcedureStop the task
TASK_STATUS ProcedureReturn task current status

The steps for applying DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE are almost similar to the steps for executing Program Parallel DML as follows.

  1. Create Task (CREATE_TASK)
  2. Splitting the work unit (Chunk)
  3. Execute task (RUN_TASK)
  4. Delete after task complete (DROP_TASK)

1.3. Create tables and data for DBMS_PARALLEL_EXECUTE test

Create tables and data to be tested with the following script.

-- 테스트 테이블과 데이터 생성

    ID      NUMBER(10)
   ,MSG     VARCHAR2(100)
   ,VAL     NUMBER

-- 100만건 테스트 데이터 생성
       ,'Test Data ID: ' || TO_CHAR(LEVEL)
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= 1000000;


There are 4 columns to be used in the test, and each purpose is as follows.

column namepurpose
IDA value to identify each row in the table
MSGA value that provides a description
VALRandom value updated in test execution
AUDSIDA value to check how many sessions the test runs in.
It is updated with SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','SESSIONID').

For reference, the environment in which this test was conducted is as follows.

  • DBMS: Oracle 11g R2 Enterprise 32 bit (On Windows 7 x64)
  • H/W: CPU i5-5200U 2.20GHz, Memory 8GB, SSD 250GB

Next, let's look at a case by way of dividing each work unit (chunk).

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