Public Data Common Standard Terminology Excel File (2020.12.10)

In this article, you can download the public data common standard term Excel file. This is data converted from the Hangul (hwp) file provided by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security into an Excel file.

Data standard inspection tool v1.33 (2021-06-06) was uploaded to github and its usage was summarized on the blog.

Data Standard Check Tool Description Contents , Download

If the dictionary of words, domains, and terms is empty, it is difficult to learn how to use it, and it is difficult to understand the entire concept.

1. Public Data Common Standard Terminology (Distributed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security)

1.1. Common standard terms for public data (Ministry of Public Administration and Security Notice No. 2020-42, enforced on August 11, 2020)

공공데이터 공통표준용어(행정안전부고시 제2020-42호, 2020.8.11. 시행)
Common standard terms for public data (Ministry of Public Administration and Security Notice No. 2020-42, enforced on August 11, 2020)

Resource Links: 

1.2. Public Data Common Standard Terminology (Ministry of Public Administration and Security Notice No. 2020-66, 2020.12.10.)

I recently checked, and the above data was revised once at the end of 2020.

공공데이터 공통표준용어(행정안전부고시 제2020-66호, 2020.12.10.)
Public Data Common Standard Terminology (Ministry of Public Administration and Security Notice No. 2020-66, 2020.12.10.)

Resource Links: 

2. Public Data Common Standard Terminology Excel File Download

The above data is disclosed in the lower Hangul (hwp) format, so it is difficult to use it right away. I added two files organized as excel files to the github repository.

2020.8.11 Data download (file name: Public Data Common Standard_202008.xlsx) Data Common Standard_202008.xlsx

2020.12.10 Data download (File name: Public data common standard_202012.xlsx) Data Common Standard_202012.xlsx

In the 2020.12.10 data, management items and explanations for standard terms, standard words, and standard domains were added to the 'Description of Common Standard Management Items' sheet.

This content was excerpted from the hwp file, which is the original data. pasted below

3. Management items and explanations for standard terms, standard words, and standard domains

TargetManagement topicsExplanation
standard termscommon standard termsKorean names of standard terms commonly used by all organizations
(a term used by many institutions and with high frequency of column use)
standard termsExplanation of Common Standard TermsExplain in detail the contents of common standard terminology
standard termsCommon Standard Terminology English Abbreviation NameAs an abbreviation that abbreviates the English name of the common standard term, it is created by combining the English abbreviation name of the common standard term.
standard termscommon standard domain nameIt is a grouping and classification of common characteristics of data types and common standard terms, and is defined to regulate the format and range of data values.
(Common standard domain name consists of 'domain classification name + type + length')
(Example) Date C8, Amount N15, Whether C1
* The type is Char, Varchar, Numeric, Datetime, etc.
standard termstoleranceMaximum/minimum value or effective value that the corresponding common standard domain can have
(Example) Month: 01~12, Whether: 'Y', 'N'
※ The code is the administrative standard code management system ( Reference
standard termsSave formatFormat for storing data values of the corresponding common standard domain
(Example) February 2020 → YYYYMM (202002)
standard termsform of expressionA format that expresses the data value of the applicable common standard domain
(Example) February 2020 → YYYY-MM (2020-02)
※ Numbers other than the date are marked as “9”, English as “A”, Korean as “Ga”, hexadecimal as “f”
standard termsAdministrative standard code nameIf applicable to the administrative standard code, the name of the administrative standard code
standard termsName of competent institutionThe name of the institution that creates and manages the term
standard wordcommon standard word nameKorean names for common standard words
standard wordCommon Standard Word English Abbreviation NameEnglish abbreviation for common standard words
standard wordcommon standard word English nameEnglish full name for common standard words
standard wordExplanation of Common Standard WordsDefinitions and explanations of common standard words
standard wordwhether it is a formal wordWhether the common standard word is a formal word (classification word) with domain characteristics
standard wordCommon standard domain classification nameIn the case of a formal word (classification word), the classification name of the applicable common standard domain
standard wordlist of allophone synonymsA list of allophones for that common standard word
※ Allophone synonyms: Words that sound different but have the same meaning
(Example) year/year, rate/rate
※ Allophone synonyms are the same except for common standard words and Korean names, so only Korean names are managed
standard wordlist of banned wordsA list of prohibited words for the corresponding common standard word
※ Prohibited words: Words that are not allowed to be used or that have been used for a certain period of time and have been stopped after a certain point in time (Example) File (standard language) ↔ File (Prohibited words. Used ×)
※ Prohibited words are not subject to common standard word definition, and only Korean names of prohibited words are managed
standard domainCommon standard domain group nameHigh-level division of common standard domain (Example) Date/Time
standard domainCommon standard domain classification nameSubdivision of Common Standard Domain (Example) Year Month
standard domainCommon standard domain nameCorresponding common standard domain name
(Ex) Defined in the form of “common standard domain classification name + data type + length (optional)”
(Example: Year C4)
standard domainCommon standard domain descriptionDefinition and explanation of the common standard domain
standard domaindata typeData type of the common standard domain
(Example) Character type (CHAR, VARCHAR), number type (NUMERIC), date type (DATETIME)
standard domaindata lengthThe length of the data value of the corresponding common standard domain
Length including decimal places if decimal point exists
※ As the length in bytes, Korean is based on 2 bytes
standard domaindecimal point lengthThe maximum number of digits after the decimal point that the data value of the corresponding common standard domain can have
(Defined only when a decimal value exists and the data type is a numeric type)
standard domainSave formatFormat for storing data values of the corresponding common standard domain
(Example) September 1999 → YYYYMM (199909)
standard domainform of expressionA format that expresses the data value of the applicable common standard domain
(Example) September 1999 → YYYY-MM (1999-09)
standard domainunitA unit for measuring the data value of the corresponding common standard domain
(Example) m, kg, degrees, etc.
standard domaintoleranceMaximum/minimum value or effective value that the corresponding common standard domain can have
(Example) Month: 01 ~ 12, Whether: 'Y','N'
standard domainAdministrative standard code nameAdministrative standard code name, if applicable

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