Tagged: Korean Dictionary

Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool_v1.02_20240201

We are distributing “Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool_v1.02_20240201” with one additional feature. When there is a typo in the search term, the method of outputting results was added as an option, and a function was added to output according to this option. An overview of Naver's Korean and English dictionary search tools and how to use them are summarized in the article below. Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool Overview 1. Request This Tuesday (2024-01-30)...

Overview of Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool

An overview of the Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary search tool is explained. 1. Overview of Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool 1.1. Necessity Have you ever searched Naver Korean and English dictionaries and copied and pasted the search results manually into Excel? If you only have a few words (or terms) to search for, you can do it manually. But that...
