Tagged: 64bit

Specify PtrSafe to use both 32bit and 64bit Excel when importing Windows API

Learn about the Windows API PtrSafe declaration. When coding with Excel VBA, you can check the causes and solutions of PtrSafe-related errors that you occasionally encounter while importing and using Windows APIs. 1. Example code for Windows API PtrSafe error This is the code that imports and declares Windows API Sleep, OutputDebugString. (reference:...

Creating 32bit Provider Connection String in 64bit OS

Introduces how to create a 32bit Provider Connection String on a 64bit OS. Previous Post VBA Coding Pattern: Importing DB Query Results to Excel_ConnectionString Creation Method 1. I mentioned “How to display 32bit Provider in 64bit OS” in the contents of using UDL file. If you create a connection string with a UDL file on a 64-bit OS, you can basically only create it with the installed 64-bit Provider. Windows 10 in this article...
