Tagged: Excel VBA

Data standard inspection tool_2.3. Data standard dictionary composition

This is a continuation of the previous article. Let's take a look at the data standard dictionary configuration. Data standard inspection tool_2.1. Screen composition, 2.2. Standard inspection function 2.3. Composition of data standard dictionary Data standard dictionary is the input and standard of standard inspection. A standard dictionary consists of three categories: standard words, standard terms, and standard domains. Examine each component of the standard dictionary and its relationship. 2.3.1. data...

Data standard inspection tool_1.Overview

Introducing a data standard inspection tool that can be helpful to DAs (Data Architects) in the field who suffer from repetitive manual work in data standardization work. By reducing manual time, you can focus on more productive tasks and eliminate or reduce overtime. This tool was created with Excel VBA. (See: Excel VBA...

DA# Macro function demonstration video (YouTube)

DA# Macro function demonstration video (YouTube) was created. It was not enough to explain the functions of the DA# Macro only with images and text, so a separate video was produced and simple subtitles were attached to the function to be executed. This video is a video recording the entire screen of a laptop with a resolution of 1920 × 1080. It is better to enlarge it to full screen. subtitles...

DA# Macro(6): DA# Modeler API

This article examines the DA# Modeler API Object Model used in DA# Macro, VBA code composition, and source code examples. 5. DA# Modeler API 5.1. DA# Modeler API Object Model In the previous article (DA# Macro(1): Overview of DA#, DA# API, DA# Macro), the DA# API Object Model...

DA# Macro(5): Usage notes/notes, downloads, features to be added in the future, notes

In this article, we look at the precautions/notes for using the DA# Macro, downloads, functions to be added in the future, and notes. This is a continuation of the previous article. DA# Macro(4): DA# Macro function(3)-Reverse 3. Precautions/References for using DA# Macro 3.1. DA# Precautions for Using Macro Before executing the Set Macro for Entity/Attribute, the target...

DA# Macro(4): DA# Macro Function(3)-Reverse

Let's take a look at the DA# Macro Reverse function. This is a continuation of the previous article. DA# Macro(3): DA# Macro function(2)-Attribute Get/Set 2.4. DA# Macro Reverse Function 2.4.1. The reason why the DA# Macro Reverse function was created The Reverse function of the data modeling tool uses the reverse engineering technique to convert ERD form...

DA# Macro(3): DA# Macro Function(2)-Attribute Get/Set

Let's take a look at the Da# Macro Attribute Get/Set function. This is a continuation of the previous article. DA# Macro(2): DA# Macro function(1)-Common function, Entity Get/Set 2.3.DA# Macro Attribute Get/Set 2.3.1. Attribute Get Get Attribute: Open the models selected in the “Select Model” window in turn and bring the attribute information of the entire entity to Excel. In this case, line 3...

DA# Macro(2): DA# Macro Function(1)-Common Function, Entity Get/Set

In this article, we look at the Da# Macro common function Entity Get/Set function. This is a continuation of the previous article. DA# Macro(1): DA#, DA# API, DA# Macro (Macro) Overview 2. DA# Macro Function DA# Macro function is largely divided into common functions, Entity Get/Set, Attribute Get/Set, and Reverse. 2.1. DA# Macro common function...

DA# Macro(1): DA#, DA# API, DA# Macro Overview

This article introduces DA#, a domestic data modeling tool, and examines API provided from DA# v5 and DA# Macro, a tool developed using it. 1. DA# Macro Overview 1.1. Data Modeling Tool DA# DA# can create and manage data models expressed in ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram)...

Specify PtrSafe to use both 32bit and 64bit Excel when importing Windows API

Learn about the Windows API PtrSafe declaration. When coding with Excel VBA, you can check the causes and solutions of PtrSafe-related errors that you occasionally encounter while importing and using Windows APIs. 1. Example code for Windows API PtrSafe error This is the code that imports and declares Windows API Sleep, OutputDebugString. (reference:...
