Oracle Character Set Conversion (7): 5.4. KO16MSWIN949 Environment CSSCAN Execution Result

KO16MSWIN949 Environment Let's look at the execution result of CSSCAN. You can check schema creation, directory creation, csscan execution result files scan.txt, scan.out, scan.err, and csscan usage.

5.4. KO16MSWIN949 Environment CSSCAN Execution Result

5.4.1. create schema

Execute the script below in KO16MSWIN949 instance to create schema for csscan execution.

-- MSWIN949
sqlplus sys/________@oramswin949 as sysdba
sqlplus sys/________@oramswin949 as sysdba
  • Line 3: Execute csminst.sql to create objects such as csmig user (schema) and tables required for csscan execution. At this time, the default tablespace for the csmig user is set to system.
  • Line 5: Change the default tablespace of csmig user to users. You can change to another tablespace other than users with sufficient storage space.

5.4.2. create directory

Create a directory to save the csscan execution result and move to the directory.

mkdir D:\Temp\csscan\MSWIN949
cd D:\Temp\csscan\MSWIN949

5.4.3. run csscan

Execute csscan with the following command at the Windows command prompt.

csscan \"sys/________@oramswin949 as sysdba\" full=y tochar=AL32UTF8

Two parameters are specified.

  • full: Specifies Y to scan the entire database.
    • For reference, you can specify the scan target user as a user parameter or specify the scan target in detail with table and column parameters.
  • tochar: Specify AL32UTF8, the target character set to be converted (CHAR, VARCHAR2, CLOB, LONG type scan)
    • For reference, to scan NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB types, you need to specify the tonchar parameter.

5.4.4. Check csscan execution result-scan.txt (Result summary report)

The entire contents of scan.txt in the KO16MSWIN949 test environment are as follows.

Database Scan Summary Report

Time Started  : 2014-05-07 20:21:51
Time Completed: 2014-05-07 20:22:46

Process ID         Time Started       Time Completed
---------- -------------------- --------------------
​​​​​​​​​1  2014-05-07 20:22:04  2014-05-07 20:22:45
---------- -------------------- --------------------

[Database Size]

Tablespace                           Used            Free           Total       Expansion
------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
SYSTEM                            563.25M         136.75M         700.00M            .00K
SYSAUX                            360.19M         239.81M         600.00M           2.00K
UNDOTBS1                           19.25M         465.75M         485.00M            .00K
TEMP                                 .00K            .00K            .00K            .00K
USERS                               1.81M           3.19M           5.00M          39.00K
------------------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ---------------
Total                             944.50M         845.50M       1,790.00M          42.00K

[Database Scan Parameters]

Parameter                      Value                                           
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
CSSCAN Version                 v2.1                                            
Instance Name                  oramswin949                                     
Database Version                                           
Scan type                      Full database                                   
Scan CHAR data?                YES                                             
Database character set         KO16MSWIN949                                    
FROMCHAR                       KO16MSWIN949                                    
TOCHAR                         AL32UTF8                                        
Scan NCHAR data?               NO                                              
Array fetch buffer size        1024000                                         
Number of processes            1                                               
Capture convertible data?      NO                                              
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------

[Scan Summary]

All character type data in the data dictionary are convertible to the new character set
Some character type application data are not convertible to the new character set

[Data Dictionary Conversion Summary]

Data Dictionary Tables:

Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
VARCHAR2                     2,566,115               36                0                0
CHAR                               354                0                0                0
LONG                           182,178                0                0                0
VARRAY                          39,205                0                0                0
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Total                        2,787,852               36                0                0
Total in percentage             99.999%           0.001%           0.000%           0.000%

The data dictionary can not be safely migrated using the CSALTER script

XML CSX Dictionary Tables:

Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
VARCHAR2                           493                0                0                0
CHAR                                 0                0                0                0
LONG                                 0                0                0                0
VARRAY                               0                0                0                0
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Total                              493                0                0                0
Total in percentage            100.000%           0.000%           0.000%           0.000%

[Application Data Conversion Summary]

Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
VARCHAR2                     2,579,942           14,635              309                0
CHAR                                 0                0                0                0
LONG                                 0                0                0                0
VARRAY                               0                0                0                0
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Total                        2,579,942           14,635              309                0
Total in percentage             99.424%           0.564%           0.012%           0.000%

[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Table]

Data Dictionary Tables:

USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
SYS.COM$                                                         11                0                0
SYS.ERROR$                                                       10                0                0
SYS.JOB$                                                          2                0                0
SYS.SCHEDULER$_JOB                                                8                0                0
SYS.SCHEDULER$_PROGRAM                                            5                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

XML CSX Dictionary Tables:

USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Application Data:

USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_UPGRADE_PROGRESS                            89                0                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT                                             14,544              309                0
LEG.Z_TEST                                                        2                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Column]

Data Dictionary Tables:

USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
SYS.COM$|COMMENT$                                                11                0                0
SYS.ERROR$|TEXT                                                  10                0                0
SYS.JOB$|NLSENV                                                   2                0                0
SYS.SCHEDULER$_JOB|NLS_ENV                                        8                0                0
SYS.SCHEDULER$_PROGRAM|NLS_ENV                                    5                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

XML CSX Dictionary Tables:

USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

Application Data:

USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_UPGRADE_PROGRESS|UPGRADE_ERR                89                0                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|COMMT                                            0                1                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|LINE_NUM                                     7,286              140                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|SUB_STA_NM                                   7,258              168                0
LEG.Z_TEST|VAL                                                    2                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

[Indexes to be Rebuilt]

USER.INDEX on USER.TABLE(COLUMN)                                                         

Among them, “Application Data Conversion Summary” is not Oracle System Data, but scanned data by type in user-generated data.

[Application Data Conversion Summary]

Datatype                    Changeless      Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
VARCHAR2                     2,579,942           14,635              309                0
CHAR                                 0                0                0                0
LONG                                 0                0                0                0
VARRAY                               0                0                0                0
--------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
Total                        2,579,942           14,635              309                0
Total in percentage             99.424%           0.564%           0.012%           0.000%

The interpretation of the above is as follows.

  • When changing to AL32UTF8 for VARCHAR2 type, 2,579,942 values can be converted as they are without change (Changeless), 14,635 values are convertable, 309 values are truncated, and lost/broken (Lossy) There is no value in which this occurs
  • There is no conversion target for other CHAR, LONG, VARRAY type data.

Changeless, Convertible, Truncation, and Lossy in the above content were written in the previous article, and will be noted once again below.

Oracle Character Set Conversion (5) – 5.2. How to use CSSCAN

changelessData remains the same in the new character set
– No data change during character set conversion
ConvertibleData can be successfully converted to the new character set
– Data can be changed during character set conversion
TruncationData will be truncated if conversion takes place
– Data is truncated when converting character set
LossyCharacter data will be lost if conversion takes place
– Data loss (broken) when converting character set

“Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Table” and “Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Column” are the scan results for each table and column.

Below are some excerpts from the file.

[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Table]

Application Data:

USER.TABLE                                              Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_UPGRADE_PROGRESS                            89                0                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT                                             14,544              309                0
LEG.Z_TEST                                                        2                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

[Distribution of Convertible, Truncated and Lossy Data by Column]

Application Data:

USER.TABLE|COLUMN                                       Convertible       Truncation            Lossy
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
APEX_030200.WWV_FLOW_UPGRADE_PROGRESS|UPGRADE_ERR                89                0                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|COMMT                                            0                1                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|LINE_NUM                                     7,286              140                0
LEG.SUB_MON_STAT|SUB_STA_NM                                   7,258              168                0
LEG.Z_TEST|VAL                                                    2                0                0
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------

The interpretation of the above is as follows.

  • When the LEG.SUB_MON_STAT table is changed to AL32UTF8, 14,544 values are normally converted (Convertible), 309 values are truncated, and there are no values that cause loss/loss. Each column is as follows
    • COMMT: When changing to AL32UTF8, there is no value that is normally converted, one value is truncated, and there is no value that causes loss/loss.
    • LINE_NUM: When changing to AL32UTF8, 7,286 values are normally converted (Convertible), 140 values are truncated, and there is no value that causes loss/loss.
    • SUB_STA_NM: When changing to AL32UTF8, 7,258 values are normally converted (Convertible), 168 values are truncated, and there is no value that causes loss/loss.
  • When the LEG.Z_TEST table is changed to AL32UTF8, two values are converted normally, and there is no value that is truncated or lost. The VAL column corresponds to this.

5.4.5. Check csscan execution result-scan.out (scan target table information)

In the scan.out file, you can check the list of scan target tables.

Character Set Scanner v2.2 : Release - Production on Wed May 7 20:21:48 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Enter array fetch buffer size: 1024000 > 
Enter number of scan processes to utilize(1..64): 1 > 
Enumerating tables to scan...

. process 1 scanning SYS.SOURCE$[AAAADfAABAAAAXYAAA]
. process 1 scanning SYS.PARAMETER$[AAAAH3AABAAAAzgAAA]
. process 1 scanning SYS.TYPE$[AAAAH3AABAAAAzgAAA]
. process 1 scanning SYS.ATTRIBUTE$[AAAAH3AABAAAAzgAAA]
. process 1 scanning XDB.XDB$H_LINK[AAANh/AACAAACUwAAA]
. process 1 scanning XDB.PRIN_PT[AAAN2VAACAAAEDoAAA]
ORA-30967: operation directly on the Path Table is disallowed

CSS-00144: failed to scan table XDB.PRIN_PT

Creating Database Scan Summary Report...

Creating Individual Exception Report...

Scanner terminated successfully.

Here you can check the following:

  • Line 23: Scan the SUB_MON_STAT table of the LEG user created in the test environment.

5.4.6. Check csscan execution result - scan.err (error details)

In the scan.err file, you can check the details of character set conversion errors for each table and column.

Database Scan Individual Exception Report

[Database Scan Parameters]

Parameter                      Value
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------
CSSCAN Version                 v2.1
Instance Name                  oramswin949
Database Version     
Scan type                      Full database
Scan CHAR data?                YES
Database character set         KO16MSWIN949
FROMCHAR                       KO16MSWIN949
TOCHAR                         AL32UTF8
Scan NCHAR data?               NO
Array fetch buffer size        1024000
Number of processes            1
Capture convertible data?      NO
------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------

[Data Dictionary individual exceptions]

User  : SYS
Table : COM$
Column: COMMENT$
Type  : VARCHAR2(4000)
Number of Exceptions         : 0
Max Post Conversion Data Size: 381

ROWID              Exception Type      Size Cell Data(first 30 bytes)
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------
AAAACIAABAAARCPABN convertible              사용월
AAAACIAABAAARCPABO convertible              호선명
AAAACIAABAAARCPABP convertible              지하철역코드
AAAACIAABAAARCPABQ convertible              지하철역명
AAAACIAABAAARCPABR convertible              승차인원수
AAAACIAABAAARCPABS convertible              하차인원수
AAAACIAABAAARCPABT convertible              작업일자
AAAACIAABAAARCPABU convertible              비고
AAAACIAABAAARCPABV convertible              참조설명
AAAACIAABAAARCPABW convertible              참조이미지
AAAACIAABAAARCPABX convertible              지하철역별승하차인원
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------

[Application data individual exceptions]

User  : LEG
Column: LINE_NUM
Type  : VARCHAR2(14)
Number of Exceptions         : 140
Max Post Conversion Data Size: 20

ROWID              Exception Type      Size Cell Data(first 30 bytes)
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC/ABp exceed column size    20 공항철도 1호선
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC/ABq exceed column size    20 공항철도 1호선
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC/ABr exceed column size    20 공항철도 1호선
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------

User  : LEG
Column: COMMT
Type  : VARCHAR2(4000)
Number of Exceptions         : 1
Max Post Conversion Data Size: 4500

ROWID              Exception Type      Size Cell Data(first 30 bytes)
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------
AAAQSRAAEAAAACNAAA exceed column size  4500 서울역서울역서울역서울역서울역
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------

User  : LEG
Column: SUB_STA_NM
Type  : VARCHAR2(20)
Number of Exceptions         : 168
Max Post Conversion Data Size: 27

ROWID              Exception Type      Size Cell Data(first 30 bytes)
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC+AA8 exceed column size    24 디지털미디어시티
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC+AAC exceed column size    21 가산디지털단지
AAAQSRAAEAAAAC/AAR exceed column size    27 동대문역사문화공원
------------------ ------------------ ----- ------------------------------

You can check the CSSCAN execution result file in the KO16MSWIN949 environment in the github repository below.

5.5. Note: CSSCAN use

CSSCAN can be used for two purposes.

  1. Check RowID and ColumnID of truncated or broken data during conversion -> Used for data purification
    • In cases where most of the data is truncated or broken (eg US7ASCII to AL32UTF8), it is not meaningful because almost all data has to be cleaned manually, which is time-consuming and expensive.
  2. Check the list of columns to increase the length of the As-Is column -> Use it to design the To-Be data model
    • It is very meaningful because it can be used to determine the number of digits of the standard domain when designing To-Be.

In addition, it is good to refer to this length (MAXSIZ) to create a replica table in which the character set is converted for As-Is data in advance. If the column length of the As-Is table is the same, the data whose length increased after character set conversion exceeds the column length of the As-Is table will fail to load with the following error.

– ORA-12899: value too large for column “OWNER”.”TABLE”.”COLUMN” (actual: Inserted length, maximum: Declared length)

(Example: ORA-12899: value too large for column “LEG”.”SUB_MON_STAT”.”LINE_NUM” (actual: 16, maximum: 14) )

The following is a Query statement to check the target that an error occurs during conversion among the table columns of a specific user after CSSCAN is executed, and whether it should be converted to the current length, conversion length, and CLOB.

          ON   (CC.USR# = U.USER_ID)
          ON   (CC.OBJ# = O.OBJECT_ID)
          ON   (CC.COL# = TC.COLUMN_ID
   AND  CC.ERRCNT <> 0;

A sample of the extracted data is as follows.

(current length)
(conversion length)
(CLOB conversion)

The meaning of each column is as follows.

column namemeaning
USERNAMEowner of the table
TABLE_NAMEtarget table name
COLUMN_NAMEColumn name of target table
DATA_TYPECurrent data type of target column
DATA_LENGTHCurrent data length of target column
MAXSIZMaximum expected length after character set conversion
CLOB_CONV_YNWhether the current VARCHAR2 type is subject to change to CLOB (Y: subject to review for change to CLOB)

Note that, since CSSCAN was checked based on the data at the time when CSSCAN was executed, even if the length is increased based on this criterion, an “ORA-12899: value too large for column” error may occur depending on the increase in column length or data increase. The possibility is still there.

So far, we have looked at the results of executing CSSCAN in the KO16MSWIN949 test environment.

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