Optimization of work distribution using one-dimensional bin packing algorithm_2.Algorithm(2)

2.6. Apply descending sort by Item size

So far, we have looked at the operation method and execution results of each algorithm of Next Fit, First Fit, Worst Fit, and Best Fit. The results are different when processing in random order when the size of the input data is not arranged in a certain order and processing in a sorted state. Since filling large-sized items first usually yields good results, you can think of a method of sorting items in descending order first and then processing them.

First, the input data and the data sorted in descending order are as follows.

# Input Data 26 57 18 8 45 16 22 29 5 11 8 27 54 13 17 21 63 14 16 45 6 32 57 24 18 27 54 35 12 43 36 72 14 28 3 11 46 27 42 59 6 186
# Sort in descending order Input data 72 68 63 59 57 57 54 54 46 45 45 43 42 41 41 36 35 32 29 28 27 27 27 26 26 24 22 21 18 18 17 16 16 15 14 14 14 18 13 12

Let's take a look at the results of running each algorithm with data sorted in descending order as input.

2.7. Next Fit with descending sort

내림차순 정렬을 적용한 Next Fit 결과
Next Fit result with descending sort applied

The total space is 1,840 (size of each bin 80 * number of bins 23), the remaining space total is 488, and the space inefficiency is about 26.52% (488/1,840).

2.8. First Fit with Descending Sort

내림차순 정렬을 적용한 First Fit 결과
First Fit result with descending sort applied

The total space is 1,440 (size of each bin 80 * number of bins 18), the remaining space total is 88, and the space inefficiency is about 6.11% (88/1,440).

2.9. Worst Fit with Descending Sort

내림차순 정렬을 적용한 Worst Fit 결과
Worst Fit Results with Descending Sort

The total space is 1,440 (size of each bin 80 * number of bins 18), the remaining space total is 88, and the space inefficiency is about 6.11% (88/1,440).

2.10. Best Fit with Descending Sort

내림차순 정렬을 적용한 Best Fit 결과
Best Fit Results with Descending Sort

The total space is 1,440 (size of each bin 80 * number of bins 18), the remaining space total is 88, and the space inefficiency is about 6.11% (88/1,440).

2.11. Comparison of algorithm application results

 In the case examined above, except for Next Fit, which has the largest inefficiency, the results of the remaining space sum and space inefficiency of First Fit, Worst Fit, and Best Fit are all the same, and the items filled in each bin are configured differently.

For reference, the same result is a coincidence caused by the input data and constraints in this example. If the input data and constraints are different, the residual space sum, space inefficiency, item composition list of bins, etc. may be different.

The comparison of the unsorted and sorted results is as follows.

▼ Next Fit

정렬 전 Next Fit
Next Fit Before Alignment
정렬 후 Next Fit
Align and then Next Fit

▼ First Fit

정렬 전 First Fit
First Fit Before Alignment
정렬 후 First Fit
First Fit After Alignment

▼ Worst Fit

정렬 전 Worst Fit
Worst Fit Before Sort
정렬 후 Worst Fit
Worst Fit After Alignment

▼ Best Fit

정렬 전 Best Fit
Best Fit Before Alignment
정렬 후 Best Fit
Best Fit After Alignment

Below is the quantitative information yielded from the execution of each algorithm.

algorithm Item before sorting After sorting compare
Next Fit number of comparisons 44 44 no change
total space 1,840 1,840
Sum Remaining Space 488 488
space inefficiency 26.525 26.525
First Fit number of comparisons 330 448 The number of comparisons increased, but space inefficiency decreased and improved
total space 1,520 1,440
Sum Remaining Space 168 88
space inefficiency 11.05% 6.11%
Worst Fit number of comparisons 465 643
total space 1,680 1,440
Sum Remaining Space 328 88
space inefficiency 19.52% 6.11%
Best Fit number of comparisons 428 643
total space 1,520 1,440
Sum Remaining Space 168 88
space inefficiency 11.05% 6.11%

The number of comparisons in the table above is an approximate measurement by the Excel VBA-based tool, which will be introduced next. Looking at the above, you can see that the result of Bin Packing after sorting in descending order by item size reduces space inefficiency and is more densely packed. Through this, it can be seen that sorting first and applying the algorithm can obtain more optimized results.

Best Fit is not always optimal. It is advisable to examine the results of each algorithm run and select the optimal result for the situation at the time.

So far, we have looked at the Bin Packing algorithm in detail. Next, we look at tools that implement this algorithm.

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2 Responses

  1. Avatar photo 걍걍걍 says:

    Hello, I am looking at data related to bin packing. Can I share some images?

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