Excel VBA Course (3): Excel Object Model

2.3. Excel Object Model

Excel VBA is a programming language that deals with Excel. More precisely, it is a language that handles Excel's Object Model. You need to know how Excel is structured to be able to handle it well.

If you understand just one picture below, you can understand all the most important and frequently used concepts in the Excel Object Model.

엑셀 Object Model 필수 개념
Excel Object Model essential concepts

The Excel in the figure above is the 2010 version. I think it is more suitable for understanding the Excel Object Model concept, so I explain it with the Excel 2010 version. Regardless of the version of Excel, the Object Model concept is the same.

This single figure contains all the essential concepts of the Excel Object Model. Let's look at the concept and details of each object.

For reference, if you execute “View > Browse Objects” in the VBA editor, you can check the detailed properties, functions, procedures (subs), and events of each object.

개체 찾아보기 메뉴
object browse menu

(The VBA editor can be accessed by clicking the “Visual Basic” button on the developer tool ribbon menu, or by using a shortcut key.) Alt + F11 appears when you press .)

2.3.1. Application

Application refers to the Excel process. Use the Application object to control or terminate the running Excel.

개체 찾아보기: Application
Browse Objects: Application

More information on the Application object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Application object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Application object is as follows.

'Application 사용 코드 #1: 파일 활성화 하기

'Application 사용 코드 #2: 엑셀 종료하기

2.3.2. Workbooks

Manages a collection of files open in a single Excel process. It is used for purposes such as creating a new file, opening or closing a file. When accessing a specific file from the file list, Workbooks(1), Workbooks(2), … , can be accessed with Workbooks(n).

개체 찾아보기: Workbooks
Browse Objects: Workbooks

More information on the Workbooks object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Workbooks object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Workbooks object is as follows.

'Workbooks 사용 코드 #1: 모든 파일 닫기

'Workbooks 사용 코드 #2: 새로운 파일 생성하기

'Workbooks 사용 코드 #3: 파일 열기
Workbooks.Open FileName:="File.xlsx", ReadOnly:=True

2.3.3. Workbook

Indicates one specific file among the list of files open in one Excel process. Used for closing or saving files.

개체 찾아보기: Workbook
Browse Objects: Workbook

More information on the Workbook object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Workbook object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Workbook object is as follows.

'Workbook 사용 코드 #1: 파일 닫기

'Workbooks 사용 코드 #2: 저장하기

'Workbooks 사용 코드 #3: 다른 이름으로 저장하기
Workbook.SaveAs Filename:="NewFile.xlsx"

2.3.4. Worksheets

Manages a collection of sheets in a file. It is used for purposes such as creating or deleting a new sheet.

개체 찾아보기: Worksheets
Browse Objects: Worksheets

More information on the Worksheets object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Worksheets object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Worksheets object is as follows.

'Worksheets 사용 코드 #1: 첫번째 시트 앞에 2개 시트 추가
Worksheets.Add Count:=2, Before:=Sheets(1)

'Worksheets 사용 코드 #2: 시트 개수 출력
Debug.Print Worksheets.Count

'Worksheets 사용 코드 #3: Sheet3 뒤에 Sheet1 복사
Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")

2.3.5. Worksheet

Points to a single sheet within a file. Used for activating, deleting, hiding, or showing sheets.

개체 찾아보기: Worksheet
Browse Objects: Worksheet

More information on the Worksheet object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Worksheet object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Worksheet object is as follows.

'Worksheet 사용 코드 #1: 시트 활성화

'Worksheet 사용 코드 #2: 시트 삭제

'Worksheet 사용 코드 #3: 시트 숨기기
Worksheets(1).Visible = False

'Worksheet 사용 코드 #4: 시트 보이기
Worksheets(1).Visible = True

2.3.6. Range

It refers to one cell or several cells in one sheet. It is used to enter a value in a cell, delete it, or merge cells. It is the most used object when coding with Excel VBA.

개체 찾아보기: Range
Browse Objects: Range

More information about the Range object can be found in the Microsoft article below.

Range object (Excel) | Microsoft Docs

Example code using the Range object is as follows:

'Range 사용 코드 #1: A1 cell의 값을 A5에 입력
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A5").Value = _ 

'Range 사용 코드 #2: A1:E10 영역의 내용 삭제

'Range 사용 코드 #3: A2(2행, 1열)에 B1:B5 합계 수식 입력
Worksheets(1).Range("A2").Formula = "=Sum(B1:B5)"
Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 1).Formula = "=Sum(B1:B5)"

'Range 사용 코드 #4: 5행 삭제하기

'Range 사용 코드 #5: 3열(C) 삭제하기

'Range 사용 코드 #6: A1:A2 cell 병합

A brief summary of the hierarchical structure, concept, and purpose of the Excel Object Model examined so far is as follows.

엑셀 Object Model 계층 구조
Excel Object Model Hierarchy

Above, we briefly looked at the Excel Object Model. If you take a closer look with the object search function, you can see that all functions, properties, and events of Excel that can be executed with the mouse and keyboard are provided as an object model. Therefore, you must have a good understanding of Excel functions and use them well to make good use of the Excel Object Model. This means that you can use Excel VBA as much as you use Excel.

Next, we will look at example codes that use objects of the Excel Object Model, and explain the Excel Object Model in more detail.

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