Category: Data standard check tool

Data standard inspection tool_2.3. Data standard dictionary composition

This is a continuation of the previous article. Let's take a look at the data standard dictionary configuration. Data standard inspection tool_2.1. Screen composition, 2.2. Standard inspection function 2.3. Composition of data standard dictionary Data standard dictionary is the input and standard of standard inspection. A standard dictionary consists of three categories: standard words, standard terms, and standard domains. Examine each component of the standard dictionary and its relationship. 2.3.1. data...

Data standard inspection tool_2.1. Screen composition, 2.2. Standard inspection function

Examine the standard data inspection tool screen composition, standard inspection function, and option input/output items. You can check the overall function of the data standard check tool. 2. Standard inspection function and standard dictionary configuration 2.1. Standard Check Tool Screen Composition The data standard check tool uses Excel VBA (Reference: Excel VBA Lecture (1): Excel VBA Overview)...

Data standard inspection tool_1.Overview

Introducing a data standard inspection tool that can be helpful to DAs (Data Architects) in the field who suffer from repetitive manual work in data standardization work. By reducing manual time, you can focus on more productive tasks and eliminate or reduce overtime. This tool was created with Excel VBA. (See: Excel VBA...
