Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool Operation Method and Source Code
The Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary search tool operation method and source code are explained.
This is a continuation of the previous article.
Overview of Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool
1. Naver Korean Dictionary/English Dictionary Search Tool Operation Method and Precautions
A user makes a search request to the Naver service using a web browser, and the Naver server responds with a processing result for the request.
(For more information on how the web works, please read the Google search results article below.)
Let's take a closer look at the search request and response of Naver's dictionary service.
1.1. Naver dictionary search request and response
There are several ways to check the contents exchanged with the server through a web browser, and here we will explain using Fiddler Web Debugger.
The following is the result of checking the request and response contents in Fiddler when searching for the word “sign up” in the Naver Korean dictionary.
- URL, Content-Type: You can check the contents below.
- Protocol: HTTPS
- Host:
- URL: /api3/koko/search?query=%EA%B0%80%EC%9E%85&m=pc&hid=162470754628591300
- 여기에서 “%EA%B0%80%EC%9E%85″는 “가입”이 URL Encoding된 문자열이다.
- Request Header
- User-Agent, Cookie, etc. can be checked.
- Response contents
- Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
- You can see that the response contents are in json format and the character-set is encoded in UTF-8.
- Content-Length: 50814
- It can be seen that the contents of the response are 50,814 bytes, approximately 50KB.
- Content-Body: {“searchResultMap”:{“searchResultListMap”:{“WORD”:{“query”:”Join”, …
- It is a JSON string, and if you check it in the “JSON” tab, it has a hierarchical structure as follows.
- Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
1.2. Change the response result format (HTML -> JSON)
This tool does not use Naver Open API, but uses Web Request and Response methods.
Although not accurate, the format of the response results changed around December 2018. Prior to that, it was in HTML format, but at this time, when I accidentally checked it with Fiddler, I found that the response was changed to JSON format.
The first version of this tool was created when the response was in HTML format. I extracted the necessary items from HTML, but whenever Naver changed the HTML structure, it did not work properly, so I had to change the source code every time to match the changed HTML structure. Since the response result format was changed to JSON, it is working well without changing the source code.
1.3. Precautions for use
It is not possible to confirm whether Naver has officially announced that it provides dictionary search results in JSON format. Documentation of the structure of JSON also appears to be unpublished.
(If there is any news or data that has been released, please let us know in the comments.)
For this reason, it may suddenly not work one day, so please be careful.
2. Implementation
2.1. Overall flow summary
URL-encode the word to be searched for and execute the GetDataFromURL function to parse the fetched JSON search result to extract the necessary items.
Dim aWord As String, sBaseURL As String, sWord As String aWord = "가입" sBaseURL = "" '기본 URL sWord = URLEncodeUTF8(aWord) '검색어 URL Encoding Dim sURL As String, sURLData As String, oParsedDic As Dictionary sURL = Replace(sBaseURL, "%s", sWord) '기본 URL에 검색어 대입 sURLData = GetDataFromURL(sURL, "GET", "", "utf-8") 'URL에서 결과 가져오기 Set oParsedDic = JsonConverter.ParseJson(sURLData) 'JSON결과를 Dictionary로 변환 'JSON이 변환된 Dictionary에서 검색결과에 해당하는 항목 추출 '시작 Path: oParsedDic("searchResultMap")("searchResultListMap")("WORD")("items")
Let's take a look at the main functions.
2.2. URL Encoding (URLEncodeUTF8 source code)
Returns the search request URL as a URLEncoded string. The ADODB.Stream class is used.
Public Function URLEncodeUTF8( _ StringVal As String, _ Optional SpaceAsPlus As Boolean = False _ ) As String Dim bytes() As Byte, b As Byte, i As Integer, space As String If SpaceAsPlus Then space = "+" Else space = "%20" If Len(StringVal) > 0 Then With New ADODB.Stream .Mode = adModeReadWrite .Type = adTypeText .CharSet = "UTF-8" .Open .WriteText StringVal .Position = 0 .Type = adTypeBinary .Position = 3 ' skip BOM bytes = .Read End With ReDim Result(UBound(bytes)) As String For i = UBound(bytes) To 0 Step -1 b = bytes(i) Select Case b Case 97 To 122, 65 To 90, 48 To 57, 45, 46, 95, 126 Result(i) = Chr(b) Case 32 Result(i) = space Case 0 To 15 Result(i) = "%0" & Hex(b) Case Else Result(i) = "%" & Hex(b) End Select Next i URLEncodeUTF8 = Join(Result, "") End If End Function
To use the ADODB library, “Microsoft ActiveX Data Object 6.1 Library” must be referenced. on the excel screen Alt + F11 Just press the key and switch to the VBA Editor to add it.
2.3. Request & Get Response (GetDataFromURL function source code)
Use “WinHttp.WinHttpRequest” class to set request header and option information, visit search URL, and get result. Since it is a late binding method that creates objects with CreateObject, there is no need to add a library reference.
Function GetDataFromURL(strURL, strMethod, strPostData, Optional strCharSet = "UTF-8") Dim lngTimeout Dim strUserAgentString Dim intSslErrorIgnoreFlags Dim blnEnableRedirects Dim blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects Dim strHostOverride Dim strLogin Dim strPassword Dim strResponseText Dim objWinHttp lngTimeout = 59000 strUserAgentString = "http_requester/0.1" intSslErrorIgnoreFlags = 13056 ' 13056: ignore all err, 0: accept no err blnEnableRedirects = True blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects = True strHostOverride = "" strLogin = "" strPassword = "" Set objWinHttp = CreateObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1") '-------------------------------------------------------------------- 'objWinHttp.SetProxy 2, "", "" 'Proxy를 사용하는 환경에서 설정 '-------------------------------------------------------------------- objWinHttp.SetTimeouts lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout, lngTimeout objWinHttp.Open strMethod, strURL If strMethod = "POST" Then objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" Else objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/html; charset=euc-kr" End If If strHostOverride <> "" Then objWinHttp.SetRequestHeader "Host", strHostOverride End If objWinHttp.Option(0) = strUserAgentString objWinHttp.Option(4) = intSslErrorIgnoreFlags objWinHttp.Option(6) = blnEnableRedirects objWinHttp.Option(12) = blnEnableHttpsToHttpRedirects If (strLogin <> "") And (strPassword <> "") Then objWinHttp.SetCredentials strLogin, strPassword, 0 End If On Error Resume Next objWinHttp.Send (strPostData) objWinHttp.WaitForResponse If Err.Number = 0 Then If objWinHttp.Status = "200" Then 'GetDataFromURL = objWinHttp.ResponseText GetDataFromURL = BinaryToText(objWinHttp.ResponseBody, strCharSet) Else GetDataFromURL = "HTTP " & objWinHttp.Status & " " & _ objWinHttp.StatusText End If Else GetDataFromURL = "Error " & Err.Number & " " & Err.Source & " " & _ Err.Description End If On Error GoTo 0 Set objWinHttp = Nothing End Function
2.4. Response (search result) JSON string
The Response (search result) JSON string contains quite a bit of information. It is difficult to see because there is no indentation and line separation. (partial excerpts)
{ "searchResultMap": { "searchResultListMap": { "WORD": { "query": "Join", "queryRevert": "", "items": [ { "rank": "1", "gdid": " 8800000f_4002c436c93d4bb38d3e58632fe00af0", "matchType": "exact:entry", "entryId": "4002c436c93d4bb38d3e58632fe00af0", "serviceCode": "1", "languageCode": "KOKO", "expTypeDictTypeForm": "word", "dict 2", "sourceDictnameKO": "Standard Korean Dictionary", "sourceDictnameOri": "Standard Korean Dict.", "sourceDictnameLink": "", .. ."expEntry": "<strong>join</strong>", ... "destinationLink": "#/entry/koko/4002c436c93d4bb38d3e58632fe00af0", ... "meansCollector": [ { "partOfSpeech": "noun", "partOfSpeech2": "noun", "means": [ { "order": "1", "value": "Applying for a product to join an organization or organization or to provide a service.", ... "exampleOri": "<strong>join</strong> Application form.", ... }, { "order": "2", "value": "Newly inserted.", ... "exampleOri": "Any corrections made in the middle of the manuscript <strong>join</strong>has been found.", ... }, { "order": "3", "value": "Acts to be bound by the treaty without certification of the text. Legal community by allowing parties to become parties only by expression of intent...", ... "languageGroup": "Law", ... "exampleTrans": null, ... } ] } ], "similarWordList": [] , "antonymWordList": [ { "antonymWordName": "Leave", "antonymWordLink": "#/entry/koko/14e89175152b46569c2a2b6360e835ad" } ], "expAliasEntryAlwaysList": [], "expAliasGeneralAlwaysList": [ { "originLanguageValue": "加入" } ], ... }, { "rank": "2", "gdid": "881857e6_e12c4e3432cf458c929bd49c929fd80b", "matchType": "exact:entry", "entryId": "e12c4e3432cf458c929bd49c929fd80b", "serviceCode": "1 ", "languageCode": "KOKO", "expDictTypeForm": "Word", "dictTypeForm": "2", "sourceDictnameKO": "Urimalsaem", "sourceDictnameOri": "Urimalsaem", "sourceDictnameLink": "https: //", ... "expEntry": "<strong>join</strong>", ... "destinationLink": "#/entry/koko/e12c4e3432cf458c929bd49c929fd80b", ... "meansCollector": [ { "partOfSpeech": "noun", "partOfSpeech2": "noun", "means": [ { "order": "", "value": "The addition of a new individual to a population. However, only objects that have reached a certain stage of development are applicable.", ... } ] } ], "similarWordList": [], "antonymWordList": [], ... }, ], "total": 96, "sectionType": "WORD", "revert": "", "orKEquery": null } } } }
2.5. JSON parser
You can extract the desired item from the JSON string using string functions (MID, INSTR, etc.), but the search is complicated and the code becomes very messy.
If implemented in Python, simply import the json module and use the json class. There are not many open libraries for VBA, but fortunately there is a JSON parser published on github, so I used it well.
The source code of this JSON parser is 1,123 lines long, so it is not posted on the blog. If you need it, please check the source code at the URL above. A simple example using the JSON parser is as follows (code published on github above):
Dim Json As Object Set Json = JsonConverter.ParseJson("{""a"":123,""b"":[1,2,3,4],""c"":{""d"":456}}") ' Json("a") -> 123 ' Json("b")(2) -> 2 ' Json("c")("d") -> 456 Json("c")("e") = 789 Debug.Print JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Json) ' -> "{"a":123,"b":[1,2,3,4],"c":{"d":456,"e":789}}" Debug.Print JsonConverter.ConvertToJson(Json, Whitespace:=2) ' -> "{ ' "a": 123, ' "b": [ ' 1, ' 2, ' 3, ' 4 ' ], ' "c": { ' "d": 456, ' "e": 789 ' } ' }"
2.6. Search button click event source code
This code is executed when the “Naver Dictionary Search” button is clicked on the “Dictionary Search” sheet. The following is implemented:
- Check if the options are set properly.
- A dictionary search is repeatedly executed for a search term and the result is displayed in a sheet.
- The displayed results are matchType, searchEntry, meaning, link, synonym, and antonym.
- If the “Stop Search” button is pressed during execution, the repetition stops.
Private Sub cmdRunDicSearch_Click() Range("A1").Select DoEvents Dim bIsKorDicSearch As Boolean, bIsEngDicSearch As Boolean, sTargetDic As String bIsKorDicSearch = chkKorDic.Value: bIsEngDicSearch = chkEngDic.Value If (Not bIsKorDicSearch) And (Not bIsEngDicSearch) Then MsgBox "검색 대상 사전중 적어도 1개는 선택해야 합니다", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "검색 대상 사전 확인" Exit Sub End If Dim bIsMatchTypeExact As Boolean, bIsMatchTypeTermOr As Boolean, bIsMatchTypeAllTerm As Boolean '검색결과 표시 설정 bIsMatchTypeExact = chkMatchTypeExact.Value: bIsMatchTypeTermOr = chkMatchTypeTermOr.Value: bIsMatchTypeAllTerm = chkMatchTypeAllTerm.Value If (bIsMatchTypeExact Or bIsMatchTypeTermOr Or bIsMatchTypeAllTerm) = False Then MsgBox "검색결과 표시 설정중 적어도 하나는 선택해야 합니다.", vbExclamation + vbOKOnly, "확인" Exit Sub End If If bIsKorDicSearch And Not bIsEngDicSearch Then sTargetDic = "국어사전" If Not bIsKorDicSearch And bIsEngDicSearch Then sTargetDic = "영어사전" If bIsKorDicSearch And bIsEngDicSearch Then sTargetDic = "국어사전, 영어사전" Dim lMaxResultCount As Long lMaxResultCount = CInt(txtMaxResultCount.Value) If MsgBox("사전 검색을 시작하시겠습니까?" + vbLf + _ "대상 사전: " + sTargetDic + vbLf + _ "결과출력 제한개수: " + CStr(lMaxResultCount) _ , vbQuestion + vbYesNoCancel, "확인") <> vbYes Then Exit Sub Dim i As Long, iResultOffset As Long bIsWantToStop = False DoEvents Dim sWord As String, oKorDicSearchResult As TDicSearchResult, oEngDicSearchResult As TDicSearchResult Dim oBaseRange As Range Set oBaseRange = Range("검색결과Header").Offset(1, 0) oBaseRange.Select For i = 0 To 100000 If bIsWantToStop Then MsgBox "사용자의 요청으로 검색을 중단합니다.", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "확인" Exit For End If If chkSkipIfResultExists.Value = True And _ oBaseRange.Offset(i, 1) <> "" Then GoTo Continue_For '이미 내용이 있으면 Skip sWord = oBaseRange.Offset(i) If sWord = "" Then Exit For oBaseRange.Offset(i).Select Application.ScreenUpdating = False If bIsKorDicSearch Then '국어사전 검색결과 표시 oKorDicSearchResult = DoDicSearch(dtsKorean, sWord, bIsMatchTypeExact, bIsMatchTypeTermOr, bIsMatchTypeAllTerm, lMaxResultCount) oBaseRange.Offset(i, 1).Select With oKorDicSearchResult oBaseRange.Offset(i, 1) = .sMatchType oBaseRange.Offset(i, 2) = .sSearchEntry oBaseRange.Offset(i, 3) = .sMeaning If oKorDicSearchResult.sLinkURL <> "" Then With ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=oBaseRange.Offset(i, 4), Address:=.sLinkURL, TextToDisplay:="네이버국어사전 열기: " & .sLinkWord) .Range.Font.Size = 8 End With End If oBaseRange.Offset(i, 5) = .sSynonymList oBaseRange.Offset(i, 6) = .sAntonymList End With End If If bIsEngDicSearch Then '영어사전 검색결과 표시 oEngDicSearchResult = DoDicSearch(dtsEnglish, sWord, bIsMatchTypeExact, bIsMatchTypeTermOr, bIsMatchTypeAllTerm, lMaxResultCount) 'oBaseRange.Offset(i, 7).Select With oEngDicSearchResult oBaseRange.Offset(i, 7) = .sMatchType oBaseRange.Offset(i, 8) = .sSearchEntry oBaseRange.Offset(i, 9) = .sMeaning If oKorDicSearchResult.sLinkURL <> "" Then With ActiveSheet.Hyperlinks.Add(Anchor:=oBaseRange.Offset(i, 10), Address:=.sLinkURL, TextToDisplay:="네이버영어사전 열기: " & .sLinkWord) .Range.Font.Size = 8 End With End If oBaseRange.Offset(i, 11) = .sSynonymList oBaseRange.Offset(i, 12) = .sAntonymList End With End If Application.ScreenUpdating = True Continue_For: DoEvents Next i MsgBox "사전 검색을 완료하였습니다", vbOKOnly + vbInformation End Sub
2.7. Dictionary search (DoDicSearch source code)
This function sends a search request for one search word, receives the result, extracts the required item, and returns it.
- Parsing a JSON string into a Dictionary: line 49
- Extract matchType, searchEntry, meaning, link, synonym, antonym entry: lines 53 to 106
Const DICT_ROOT_URL_KO As String = "" Const DICT_BASE_URL_KO As String = "" Const DICT_ROOT_URL_EN As String = "" Const DICT_BASE_URL_EN As String = "" Public Enum DicToSearch dtsKorean = 1 dtsEnglish = 2 dtsAll = 10 End Enum Public Type TDicSearchResult sWord As String sMatchType As String sSearchEntry As String sMeaning As String sLinkURL As String sLinkWord As String sSynonymList As String sAntonymList As String End Type Public Function DoDicSearch(aDicToSearch As DicToSearch, aWord As String, _ bIsMatchTypeExact As Boolean, bIsMatchTypeTermOr As Boolean, bIsMatchTypeAllTerm As Boolean, _ aMaxResultCount As Long) As TDicSearchResult Dim sDicRootURL As String, sBaseURL As String, sURL As String, sURLData As String, sWord As String, oDicSearchResult As TDicSearchResult Dim oParsedDic As Dictionary Dim oItem As Dictionary, oMeansCollector As Dictionary, oMeans As Dictionary Dim oSimWords As Dictionary, oAntWord As Dictionary Dim sPOS As String, sMeaning As String, sLinkURL As String, sLinkWord As String Dim s유의어 As String, s유의어목록 As String, s반의어 As String, s반의어목록 As String Dim sMatchType As String, sSearchEntry As String, sHandleEntry As String Select Case aDicToSearch Case dtsKorean sDicRootURL = DICT_ROOT_URL_KO sBaseURL = DICT_BASE_URL_KO Case dtsEnglish sDicRootURL = DICT_ROOT_URL_EN sBaseURL = DICT_BASE_URL_EN End Select If aWord = "" Then Exit Function sWord = URLEncodeUTF8(aWord) sURL = Replace(sBaseURL, "%s", sWord) sURLData = GetDataFromURL(sURL, "GET", "", "utf-8") 'URL에서 결과 가져오기 Set oParsedDic = JsonConverter.ParseJson(sURLData) 'JSON결과를 Dictionary로 변환 Dim lMatchIdx As Long: lMatchIdx = 0 Dim lResultCount As Long: lResultCount = 0 For Each oItem In oParsedDic("searchResultMap")("searchResultListMap")("WORD")("items") lResultCount = lResultCount + 1 If (aMaxResultCount <> 0) And (lResultCount > aMaxResultCount) Then Exit For '결과출력 제한개수 초과시 Loop 종료 s유의어 = "": s반의어 = "" lMatchIdx = lMatchIdx + 1 'If oItem("matchType") <> "exact:entry" Then Exit For sHandleEntry = oItem("handleEntry") Select Case oItem("matchType") Case "exact:entry" sLinkWord = sHandleEntry sLinkURL = sDicRootURL + oItem("destinationLink") If Not bIsMatchTypeExact Then GoTo Continue_InnerFor Case "term:or" If Not bIsMatchTypeTermOr Then GoTo Continue_InnerFor Case "allterm:proximity:1.000000" If Not bIsMatchTypeAllTerm Then GoTo Continue_InnerFor Case Else End Select sMatchType = sMatchType + IIf(sMatchType = "", "", vbLf) & CStr(lMatchIdx) & ". " & oItem("matchType") sSearchEntry = sSearchEntry + IIf(sSearchEntry = "", "", vbLf) & CStr(lMatchIdx) & ". " & sHandleEntry For Each oMeansCollector In oItem("meansCollector") 'Debug.Print "품사: " & oMeansCollector("partOfSpeech") sPOS = "" If oMeansCollector.Exists("partOfSpeech") Then If Not IsNull(oMeansCollector("partOfSpeech")) Then sPOS = oMeansCollector("partOfSpeech") End If For Each oMeans In oMeansCollector("means") 'Debug.Print "뜻: " & oMeans("value") If oMeans.Exists("value") Then If Not IsNull(oMeans("value")) Then _ sMeaning = sMeaning + IIf(sMeaning = "", "", vbLf) & CStr(lMatchIdx) & ". " & IIf(sPOS = "", "", "[" & sPOS & "] ") & RemoveHTML(oMeans("value")) End If Next oMeans Next oMeansCollector For Each oSimWords In oItem("similarWordList") If oSimWords.Exists("similarWordName") Then _ s유의어 = s유의어 + IIf(s유의어 = "", "", ", ") & RemoveHTML(oSimWords("similarWordName")) Next oSimWords If s유의어 <> "" Then _ s유의어목록 = s유의어목록 & IIf(s유의어목록 = "", "", vbLf) & CStr(lMatchIdx) & ". " & sHandleEntry & ": " & s유의어 For Each oAntWord In oItem("antonymWordList") If oAntWord.Exists("antonymWordName") Then _ s반의어 = s반의어 + IIf(s반의어 = "", "", ", ") & RemoveHTML(oAntWord("antonymWordName")) Next oAntWord If s반의어 <> "" Then _ s반의어목록 = s반의어목록 & IIf(s반의어목록 = "", "", vbLf) & CStr(lMatchIdx) & ". " & sHandleEntry & ": " & s반의어 Continue_InnerFor: Next oItem If sMeaning = "" Then sMeaning = "#NOT FOUND#": sMatchType = sMeaning: sSearchEntry = sMeaning End If '결과값 반환 With oDicSearchResult .sWord = aWord .sMatchType = sMatchType .sSearchEntry = sSearchEntry .sMeaning = sMeaning .sLinkWord = sLinkWord .sLinkURL = Replace(sLinkURL, "#", "%23") 'Excel에서 #기호를 내부적으로 #20 - #20 으로 치환하는 것을 방지 .sSynonymList = s유의어목록 .sAntonymList = s반의어목록 End With DoDicSearch = oDicSearchResult End Function
Above, we looked at the operation method, precautions, and source code of this tool. Please leave comments from those who have used the tool, questions, and necessary features.
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Absolutely with you it agree. It is an excellent idea. I support you.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nekultsy Ivan dxvk github
Thanks a lot.
Please take a look other article in my blog ^^